SpotWorks Radio Imaging is a division of SpotWorks Radio Production.
Our specialty? Cutting edge, “let’s get to the point and back to the music” radio liners. As heard in our radio imaging demos below
…. Plus, we also offer writing services for all formats.
Small jobs are welcome – 5 liners – 10 liners -15 liners.
We don’t mind doing just a few.
Male Imaging & Production Demos
Mp3 Studio Star Fm, Italy
Mp3 Star FM, Brandon, Canada
Mp3 KWST California, USA
BorderRock – The Wolf
KUOO Campus Radio
Y106.9 North Central PA
Female Radio Imaging
Jan – Imaging Demo
We provide dry voice or full production. Or supply your own voice talent and let us produce. All radio formats.
We have found that in many cases, radio stations don’t want to finance their radio imaging with a monthly retainer. Therefore, we’re quite happy to provide reasonable buy-out prices on any quantity of imaging liners you need. You may want to start with a package of 10 to 20 liners.
When you want to update or add to your rotation, you can order as little as 3 to 5 liners at any time. We offer reasonable pricing with voice and full production. Price per liner is relevant to the number of liners you order.
Exclusivity within your market is guaranteed as long as you are airing our imaging. SpotWorks considers you a client until you decide to change your radio imaging voice and there is no obligation to purchase more packages.
We look forward to hearing from you and providing cutting edge radio imaging with high production values. All imaging is “custom built” for your radio station and includes full production with various voicing styles.
Radio Commercial Production
SpotWorks Radio Creative and Production also offers copywriting, voiceovers and full production of radio commercials. We have quality partners who can provide television production using our voiceovers and production mix. Contact Us Today