Dick Vitale Impression

Say what you want about Dick Vitale, one thing is for sure. He is larger than life. The voice of Dickie V will make your radio or television commercial stand out from the crowd! Listen to the sample featuring our Dick Vitale voice impressionist. If you’d like a quote, please state the length of the script and what it will be used for (i.e. radio or television and market aired). Contact us for details.

Dick Vitale Voice Impression

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Dick Vitale Voice Impression

Dick Vitale is a well known name and face in the world of American college basketball. His celebrity remains to be ‘larger than life’ due to long career as a extremely vibrant college basketball broadcaster.

More than just a popular sportscaster, Dick Vitale got his start as a high school basketball coach, moving on to coach college and professional NBA teams. He was born in Passaic, New Jersey, and grew up in East Rutherford, New Jersey.

Part of the flare of Dick Vitate’s fame is his very unique catchwords and phrases. Here are a few that we took the liberty to expand on when writing radio commercials for March basketball themes:

Ooooooh, It’s Awesome With A Capital “A” Baby!
A Dipsy Doo Dunk A Roo!
It’s Prime Time, A Real P.T.P’er, Baby!
A Scrumptious Cream Puff Delight!
A True Strawberry Shortcake, Baby!

These well know sayings make for great lines in a radio or TV commercial as heard in our demo of our Dick Vitale voice impressionist. Email us for pricing and details.

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Additional Voice and Production Demos:
